This entry was posted on Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 at 9:47 am and is filed under Poetry. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
This site was formerly hosted at Blogger, where it was hacked in July 2015. I won't speculate about who the hackers were, except to say that they were presumably among those I have criticized during the past few years — either on this site or in tweets and Facebook posts. The hackers may, of course, strike again. But if they do, I will at least have some highly professional technical support — something I didn't have at Blogger. Since early in 2015, this site has incorporated the domain
I am a retired journalist in Palmerston North, New Zealand. All the views expressed on this website are either my own or those of the respective authors. Nothing should be taken as authoritative. — Adil Ireland, Palmerston North, NZ
Ben Palmerston North, Yeni Zelanda da yasayan emekli bir gazeteciyim. Bu web sitesindeki tüm görüşler ya benim kendi, veya ilgili yazarlar tarafindan yazilmistir. Bu gorusler bu konuda otoriter gorusler olduklari ileri surulemez.
أنا صحفي متقاعد في مدينة بالمرستون نورث، نيوزيلندا. جميع الآراء التي أعرب عنها في هذا الموقع هي إما وجهة نظري الشخصيه أو وجهة نظر المرجع المشار اليه.المعلومات المنشورة ينبغي أن لا تؤخذ على انها موثوقة.
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